Thursday, December 23, 2010


So Cataclysm dropped... did you notice?

I have been a frequenter of the magical world of Azeroth for over a year now and I've got to say, I've seen some things.  I won't pretend to be an expert, I wouldn't even go so far as to say I am a GREAT player.  But I've traveled my share of the kingdom and killed my share of Merlocs (why always with the yelling and the biting?).  I like to think I know something about the game and have recently thought about how much I have learned from some of the other fantastic bloggers out there like Larissa at the Pink Pigtail Inn or Gnomeaggedon over at Armaggedon's Coming.  So, with way less regard to my psychologic well being than I should probably have, I have decided to begin a project of my own as a way of... well, giving back (how un-goblin of me).  Oh - Also I'm a fire mage.

Can we just take a minute and admit to ourselves how friggin' awesome new mages are?  My first toon was a mage.  Bright-eyed and giddy, my friend and I stumbled out of Northshire Abby, killing wolves and trying desperately to steal Gerald's candle.  Fast forward to the 1500th PuG of Oculus, decked out in our tier-10 purples and the luster had all but faded.  Sure it was fun to blink through Pit of Sauron, blasting Tyrannus with purple balls of..... magic?  But the rotation was boring, the dungeons worn out like a NASCAR Goodyear, and my hero's journey felt, to put it bluntly, over.

Enter stage right:
Cataclysm, a handful of RL friends who havn't played since early WotLK and my fresh, inexperienced, unlikely hero - Ozrael the Goblin Fire Mage.

My jewish friends started a guild of all goblins that has already progressed farther than any of us thought it would.  I myself am not jewish, but we have fun... and who doesn't love logging in to a chorus of "Shalom"s every day?

The world is new again!  Literally.  My first toon was a human frost mage who reluctantly changed his major to south campus and joined the School of Arcane.  He tried to play with fire a few times, but it proved to hot and he retreated to cooler climates.  Ozrael hit 10, picked up a Pyroblast the size of his entire person and said "Daddy, can I keep it!?!  Pleeeeasssse!?!"

He's just hitting his teenage years (got a liscense to drive a motorized bike already... they grow up so fast!) and feeling strangely nostalgic running through stockades and Razorfen Kraul.  Something about being on a new server, no heirlooms, playing a new race, new spec and with new friends has made the whole experience as enjoyable as the first time.

I decided to share some of my memories this time around.  I don't know if this will be a regular thing or just whenever I feel the urge to share, but if Larissa is a friendly barkeep serving beer by the fire in her cozy inn, I'm the steel drummer on Venice Beach - I'm here, I'm making some noise, and hopefully you enjoy it!


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