Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oh, right... I can sheep things!

I was reading Christian Belt's fantastic post on sheeping over at WoW Insider and thinking about my experiences with one of the most mage-y spells in our arsenal (one that exemplifies, nay, defines our mageness) and realized something: I never learned to sheep.

I guess that makes me a fail mage, but I grew up in WotLK, with self proclaimed "uber-tanks" and "pro-healz", where any group of 3 or more mobs got snowed in by a blizzard more massive than the one that just hit NYC (my girlfriend's flight got delayed A WEEK...  Looks like New Years alone /cry).  Polymorph was relegated to random BGs when the match was a foregone conclusion and I was being ganked by hordes of hunters (pun intended).

There has been a lot of talk about the new heroics and the necessity for CC to be successful.  I have yet to see any of it, since I have put all of my efforts towards my goblin mage, leveling up with an RL friend, but it seems like polymorph has reclaimed its rightful place in our repetoir like Simba returning to the pridelands.

So I dusted off my 9 key, turned off recount for a while and jumped into LFD with a weird craving for mutton.  I have to say, Christian is right that no one knows what to do when suddenly a sheep is wandering aimlessly around the dungeon floor.  Everything that he mentions in his post happened to me at some point last night - hunters with tab-happy autoshot, warlocks spreading around dots like lice in a kindergarden classroom (seriously, warlocks are dirty) and overzealous tanks, eager to milk every last drop of the healer's mana.

The best experience of the night however came in Scarlett Monastery where I sheeped a caster during one of the first pulls, the group downs the rest of the pack and moves swiftly onto the next.  I stand back with the healer and mention that there is still a sheep, then continue to blow up everything in front of the tank.  Either the tank doesn't know what I mean when I say "sheep back here still" or just doesn't care, because he continues to pull with a reckless abandon.  By the time the polymorph wears off we are out of range of the caster and as we all know first hand, anyone coming out of a polymorph is pretty PO'ed and comes right after the offending mage.

By this time, I have mentioned three times that there still is a mob that needs killing, but the tank doesn't care, so I continue to chain polymorph this mob THROUGH THE ENTIRE INSTANCE.  We down the last boss, get our bags of lootz and the tank immediately drops group.  The friendly troll druid next to me shifts to bear form and just says "I guess we can kill the sheep now?"  Easy kill with 4 us and one trash mob, but that's not the point.  I had way more fun than I should have continually sheeping this poor caster (I'm sure I cackled maniacally at least twice) and am pretty sure my sheeping skills are much more potent than they were before.

Continuing on my line of thought from my last post: it sure is fun being a mage.

Next up, my other fail mage dirty habit : Learning to counterspell.

Oh, and Ozrael is now 38 and cooking up tasty Mana Cookies like a pro.  Not quite as good as the batch of cookies my mom made for christmas, but tasty nonetheless.

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